Once your child’s first tooth arrives, you are responsible for ensuring they don’t end up with tooth decay. That’s why you need to take every step possible to give them the best start in life. Here’s how to care for your baby’s teeth from White Bear Lake Family Dentist.


In the beginning, you can prevent plaque buildup by cleaning their gums with a wet washcloth after every feeding. This keeps the bacteria growth down and gives them the best chance at having a healthy mouth.

Once their first tooth arrives, you should start brushing for two minutes twice each day. Use a baby toothbrush and some non-fluoridated toothpaste recommended by the ADA. Rub the teeth gently and take extra care around the gum line.

Dental Visit

The child’s first dental visit should occur as soon as the new tooth comes in, but no later than the first birthday. This allows the dentist to look for any problems that might not be noticeable by the parent. If there are any concerns, it’s best to deal with them early than later in life.

After the first visit, you’ll want to take your child back every six months. This routine helps them to ensure proper development but also allows your child to become familiar with the dentist over time.


As your child begins eating foods, it’s essential that you avoid anything with sugar. Stick to your breastmilk, formula or water for drinks, but don’t allow them to sleep with a bottle. In addition, you’ll want to offer healthy, nutritious foods that encourage their growth. Choose things like vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

If you need further guidance about your baby’s dental care, you can reach out to the dentist for support. They are available to help during the checkups and in between as needed.